
Sunday, 25 November 2012

My favourite shop: Brixton East

Something fantastic has happened in Brixton. A brilliant second-hand shop has popped up in an old warehouse on Barrington Road. When I first moved to south London in the late 1980s, Brixton was the go-to place for clubbing (The Fridge), gigs (Brixton Academy) and films (The Ritzy), and a bit rough around the edges. As Mr That's Not My Age concurs, 'You had to watch out for nutters.' But that was all part of its charm. The area has grown-up over the last few years and become a proper foodie destination - you'll always find me and Jay Rayner in the market on Sundays (though not together) - and well, a bit middle class.

Andy Luckett with colleague & fellow vintage fan,  Bridie Young

Brixton East is the latest development. Founder Andy Luckett has been buying and selling stuff at antique fairs for 20 years, storing everything in his warehouse and living in the flat above, 'I decided it was time to do the building up and make it sound. I'd been living here for years with rain pouring in and rats - and prostitutes hanging around outside.' Luckett is enjoying Brixton's new-found popularity, 'People in Brixton are lovely and the idea is that they can come in and see the building. I want my neighbours to come round for a cup of tea - and I want it to keep changing. We had a bit of an art show last month and there's a girl who's going to come and do a poetry reading.'

He's also offering free tea and Brixton Buns - so I'll be back next week.

Brixton East is open 11am - 6pm every weekend until Christmas Eve.
100 Barrington Road, London SW9 (07973 312 023)


  1. I'll have to remember that one! Definitely looks like the kind of shop I could spend time (err, and money) in. Thanks for the introduction :-)

  2. I love shops like these- thank you for sharing this- now I want to visit London.

  3. I used to live in Brixton and it's all changed since then. That shop looks cool, I love all those industrial wire lockers! I used to live opposite David Bowies ex-house and young Japanese folk would come and stroke his garden wall lovingly!

  4. lovely blog ! great pics . lived at Streatham hill for years, lots of changes for the better cool calm place now

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The Fridge, Brixton Academy, The Ritzy such good times. I have seen Brixton change for the better over the years and it is so good. I spent such much time there because of family and friends. Another great place to visit!

  7. I lived in Brixton as a student in the mid 1980s - really loved it but it was a total shock coming from rural Cumbria.Your post is great.

  8. More information on Brixton Buns urgently required please!!

  9. What fun!
    If I remember correctly, Helsinki too has welcomed all sort of odd places for pop-up events, etc.
    Great that your friend is getting rid ( he is ? ) of his stored stuff.

  10. I could go wild in this shop! Great merchandise and creative styling...... inspiration galore!
    Your constitution has been very sturdy when it comes to supporting my blog. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Bisous

  11. Thanks so much for this post. Haven't been along yet, but Brixton East looks fantastic, and just down the road. I find it so hard to source beautiful lampshades and it looks like there are tons here!


  12. That must be the coolest shop. I love the lamps. Have a great day. xo

  13. Oooohh! Going to have to check this one out!
