
Monday, 17 December 2012

More Scandinavian Style

Scandinavian knitwear is not all chunky patterned jumpers and itchy trapper hats, you know. Anna Soderstrom, is a Swedish designer who creates simple, timeless accessories by hand. Born in Gotland, Soderstrom studied French & Linguistics at Oxford University and has been here ever since. On the subject of Gotland, I'd just like you to know that Mr & Mrs That's Not My Age once visited this Swedish island on a summer cycling trip. And swam in the Baltic. Without wetsuits. Hardcore, or what? Here I am beforehand, on the rocks:

And I'd have been quite happy to see a Nordic pullover afterwards, I can tell you. Anyway, enough about me, Soderstrom's great great grandfather was the vicar of Fåro, a remote island off the northern tip of Gotland that was home to Ingmar Bergman. (Went there on our bikes too. Beautiful). She started knitting 3-4 years ago when terrible morning sickness stopped her from reading, 'It was just the right balance of repetition and distraction. I had to concentrate to forget about the sickness.' Kate Middleton take note.

Got my eye on these fingerless mitts. Perfect for social networking in winter. Though I think I need to embrace Soderstom's philosophy:

'Just to slow down, to take the time to make something beautiful and do it with our own hands, that is purpose in itself.'


  1. Haha, have to comment again (with regards from Finland) that we do actually swim in the sea all the time - most of us in the summer and some crazy individuals in the winter, too :-)

    Loved the fingerless mitts! Although right now, with snow up to our knees we actually need the fingers on our mittens, too...

  2. slow down?? Am kniting hot water bottle covers at high speed as was comissioned to do 8 for a friend ages ago......needless to say the cheque has long cleared and I've still yet to deliver!!!!

  3. Nothing slows me down quite like knitting. Sometimes I'm feeling too speedy to settle into a book, but knitting fixes that, and then after awhile, I can read. Her knitwear looks lovely - where is it sold? Online?

  4. Love that photo of you on the rocks and a great philosophy, too! x

  5. Those are beautiful knit pieces. I really like the photo of you; you look relaxed and to be having a good time.

  6. A lovely shade of brown on the mittens.
    I reality, we over here need real mittens, as at least my finger tips get cold first.

  7. I like the color and style of these mittens and scarf. Quite nice for Southern California. You would look good in that color.

  8. I think the islands off the coast of Sweden, in the Archipelago, might be the most beautiful spot I have ever visited in all my life. I hope you enjoyed your visit.

  9. LPC - I agree. Stockholm is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The islands, the water. Stunning. Love it there - I'm a secret Scandinavian at heart.

  10. I love knitting too, - wish I was good enough to turn it into a business.. those fingerless mittens are gorgeous. x

  11. I came back this morning to add that Stockholm is such a beautiful, and fun city - one of my absolute favorites. Also, incredible shopping.

  12. Hi my dear! thats a great photo of you, looking so chilled and stylish and those mitts are really cute too. I haven't been to the Valentino exhibition yet so it would be great if we can go together in the New Year or catch up for lunch if you've already made plans for it! Hope you're having a good week xxx

  13. Gorgeous photo of you on the rocks with the water and sky as background. My Scandinavian heritage was brought forward with a look at these fingerless gloves. Timeless is the word!

  14. Lovely post and photos. As an artist, Soderstrom's philosophy is one I aim to embrace.

  15. Lovely knits. I too remember having a very cold dip in the Scandinavian sea many years ago. Couldn't do it now.
