
Thursday, 29 November 2012

Get ready to party

That's not the latest Maison Martin Margiela tromple l'oeil top, it's a model wearing Flatter Me armwear from M&S. And a nude bra. This is a similar idea to Mary Portas' Armery - wonder what the Queen of Shops has got to say about that? - but looks a bit more substantial. A crop top style with a front bra fastening that's designed to be layered under a sleeveless party frock, to cover and shape wobbly arms.

Yep. That's enough chic for one week. let's get back to basics. I rarely have occasion to wear a cocktail frock, let alone a red carpet dress - and anyway, I prefer to let it all hang out. That's Not My Age Mansions is a Spanx-free zone. So, it's over to you. Is armwear a clever way to approach the festive season, and give extra mileage to a much-loved sleeveless style? Or is it better to avoid the Desperately Seeking Susan vibe and spend more on a dress with sleeves?

Your thoughts please.


  1. I love to hear it when someone in my age group refuses to wear Spanx. Thank you for psting that. I see that my under-arm area is getting a little lax, which means I just have to target it with exercise. But if I show signs of age, I'm not going to deny it.

  2. I'm still stuck on the fact that the model has an outie...

  3. I wasn't going to comment, because this is something I would never wear. Then I got to thinking. This pisses me off, yet another thing that the fashion world thinks we need to hide or modify our ageing bodies.

    I say Let the Batwings Fly Ladies, Let the Bellies Hang Out! Ageing isn't a crime, and we should stop letting them making us feel like it is.

  4. I have a pair of Spanx my BF insisted I get for when I wear dresses and I agree it does smooth things out if it is a knit jersey type. She is a size zero, wears Spanx everyday with two pair of hose. One plain colored and one textured over that. Do not see how she breathes and she even wears the Spanx and hose with jeans. Her bF says it is no fun to pinch her butt. Well she does not even have one. I on the other hand need to feel au natural as much as possible. No panty hose for me unless wearing a skirt and mine are NOT control top. Hate those. My arms were the first to go. Everytime I see an older women with flab arms I think ok...I am going to be like her and just put it out there....but then I tell myself her arms are not as bad as mine. I am a size 4 and yet my arms have cellulite like crazy. But each time I try to wear a cover up with a sleeve underneath a sleeveless top it looks like I am wearing a sleeve under a sleeveless top and just wrong!! I do not like it to look like a cover up and lace is an aging look anyway in my opinion. Not sure what material would look good for an arm cover up. If someone could invent something that looked good I would be interested.

  5. I just can´t figure out the picture and text.
    Is the picture an outfit or what?
    A sleeveless dress is ok with a shawl over the shoulders, don´t see the problem here &5€?=)"#€?????

  6. It's just too complicated. I'd rather throw on a bolero or just hold out for a dress with sleeves.

  7. I'm thoroughly confused by the photo. If it's too complicated for my brain, it's too complicated to wear. I'll buy a dress with sleeves or wear a wrap.

  8. this spanx for the arms? omg, is there no end to the torture we are suppose to inflict on ourselves? i can barely stand to wear a bra!

  9. I read this three times and am totally mystified. I suppose my Y chromosome is slowing me down as usual.

    Do men have any sartorial mysteries that women don't understand? I doubt it.

    Grey Fox
    A middle-age man in search of style.

  10. so you can wear a variety of sleeveless dresses (provided they're black) with the same sleeves?
    Also looks uncomfortable.

  11. Ew. Looks elderly. People who do not like my arms may avert their gaze.

    And you tall-gorgeous-skinny women do not need Saint Sarah Blakely like us short-round women. Down here in humid land, I can't imagine doing without my ultra-wicking and comfortable Spanx in summer, or the warm-cozy they provide in winter. Must be that you are all so young you don't remember the torture of mid-century support garments. Bah! Young whippersnappers ...

  12. the sleeves look like they have a demi type bra already there, so my question is why would i wear a bra with a 'bra' over the top? it looks as though it could be bulky under some frocks....

  13. Dresses with sleeves, please. Let's keep it simple, no?!

  14. I don't like the tops of my arms I have to admit but I would rather wear a dress with sleeves I think. Yes have been known to wear Spanx too but they are so constricting (not a surprise there I guess!) I find them really uncomfortable. x

  15. No Spanx here yet either!
    And why didn't they use a model that looked like she may possibly need a little arm coverage?!
    Anyhow, its a good idea to get some extra wear out of a dress with just straps in these 'straped for cash' times!

  16. I have big upper arms, weight by-passes my legs and boobs and goes straight to my upper arms - and still I wont wear one of these contraptions. It's all too Edwardian, what next a bustle?!

  17. Dresses with sleeves for me. Although I rarely wear dresses anymore - just no need. And that thing looks like torture

  18. Genius! It will also save your tops and blazers from sweat marks.


  19. I've never worn Spanx. I don't want to shape my arms, but with some kinds of sleeveless or strappy dresses I do want a little something and I don't always want to wear a shawl or shrug. I typically use a lace T-shirt (long sleeved)but sometimes the neckline of the shirt is too high for the dress, so something like this (without the shaping properties) would actually be a good idea.

  20. I wore this last night under a sleeveless, lowish V-necked black jersey dress ( from East, 2 years old) to a dinner, found it very comfortable, and it looked as if I had a sleeved dress on, so I was told by a friend. Ideal. I wanted to wear the dress without having to wear something over the top, which would have hidden some of the detail on the dress.

  21. If they make the damn things in shearling I'm sold. There's no way I'm going sleeveless anywhere in this cold!!
