
Monday, 16 April 2012

Ari Seth Cohen and the Advanced Style book

Ari Seth Cohen shows me his book.

Trying hard not to spill my super-sized sandwich filling all over its pages, I had a preview of the Advanced Style book in New York, last week. Ari Seth Cohen has been working his cotton socks off throughout the editing process and is now finalizing the arrangements for the book's launch (May 22 in the USA, and early June in the UK). He told me of some of his escapades along the way; like photographing Ruth the centenarian who keeps healthy by exercising everyday, and who refused to put her dumb bells down until Ari had got his shot. And how he was chased through the New York subway by a gang of devoted fans (English pensioners), in search of an Advanced Style makeover.

So, this is the book of the blog 'dedicated to capturing the sartorial savvy of the senior set.' And, as you can imagine, I was absolutely beside myself flicking through 240-pages of photographs of older women who all show a sense of individuality and personal style - some more successfully than others. Ari's idea of street style for the over 60s is genius, and he told me that he hopes to keep on going until one day, he's taking photographs of his contemporaries. The Advanced Style book showcases the beauty of older folks in a very democratic way, successfully capturing each subject's spirit as well as their style. And two of his regular ladies have got modelling contracts lined up. How good is that?

Here are some of my favourites:

As the author and illustrator Maira Kalman says in her introduction to the book, 'Here are people that we should take note of and tip our hats to. And we should tip our hats to Ari. Not only is he looking at what people LOOK like, he is also looking at their soul. And we are better for it.'

And the good news is that Ari Seth Cohen will be signing copies of Advanced Style at Mary Portas' House of Fraser shop, in London, on 7 June 2012.  I'll give you more details as soon as I have them.

Advanced Style is published by powerHouse. You can download a preview here and buy it on Amazon.


  1. How wonderful, ahhhhhhhhhhhh
    We definitely are in his debt for ever. Even Marc Jacobs has inspired his new autumn - winter collection in advanced style.
    About time we stopped looking at botox and look into style.
    I am sorry not to visit you more often, dear friend, but it takes me forever to respond comments, prepare new post and LIVE, heheheheh.
    I am always humble and honoured by your lovely visits.

  2. Me too (inspired that is!) I shall be ordering that book for certain.

  3. I can´t help it, but I do feel a bit differently about the idea of the mentioned blog and the book.
    I have nothing against pictures of older people on the blog, or in a book.
    It is just that, when a blog/ book is all about the style of people of any certain age, which bothers me.
    I´d like to see pictures of people of all ages in a fashion blog.
    And there already is a great blog on this, The Sartorialist.

  4. Mette - I totally appreciate your view point and in an ideal world it would be brilliant to see pictures of people of all ages online and in magazines. But at present, that just isn't so. Which is why I like the fact that Advanced Style champions older people, instead of focusing on the young like the majority of other bloggers.

  5. It's so cool that you got a street style photo of Ari himself! I pre-ordered my book many months ago...and wish I could come to the event you mention.

  6. I cant wait to get my hands on the book and the photos are incredibly beautiful:) So excited!!! Have a great one, dear.

  7. Agree with Mette and you. Why does age have to be an issue at all? Well it is, but at least we can help to spread the love upwards.

  8. Ari's blog is revolutionary and helps us feel visible as we age. Nothing like lack of fear!

  9. There is no age to stop a woman from looking gorgeous and feeling beautiful about her looks.I love the way you have given a new dimension to style and fashion for all ages.mineral lipstick

  10. I've pre-ordered this book from Amazon and can't wait to see it. It must have been interesting meeting Ari - his blog is more important and significant than many realise.
