
Thursday, 10 February 2011

Life is the Occasion

That's Not My Age thinks it's commendable that fashion retailer, LK Bennett is using real women/customers over forty in their latest Life is the Occasion campaign. Chandrima, 42, is an indie rock-loving, consultant obstetrician who has an office full of babies...

Helen, 51, is a busy mother of eight who runs a boutique hotel in Yorkshire and says, 'I have no time to spend on wondering what to wear,' which is probably why she's up a stepladder in a pair of high-heeled slingbacks.


  1. It put me in a Oh God, what have I done with my life slump. Where's my glam office, fab career, brood of babies size 8 figure and glossy hair.

  2. Whilst I think its commendable that they are using'real woman' I am more than a little concerned as to how most woman will relate.
    The reality pure and simple is most of their customers don't have a 12 year degree and maintain a size 8 figure. Nor are they the mother 0f 8 children yet again maintaining a size 6-8 to figure.
    Good for these women but how do the rest of u sfeel/or importantly relate or feel connected to this campaign?

  3. I like it!!!!!!!! Kate I don't connect but I like it anyway...

  4. I agree - commendable! Well they may not be average women but at least they are in my age box!

  5. What a great campaign. Inspirational women looking great. Amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. Xxxx

  6. Nice to see fabulous forty and fifty somethings being used for something other than cruise, insurance and dodgy claims adverts. xxx

  7. That's hilarious! So wonderful that they've built a campaign around women just like us!

  8. Hope they gave that floor a good clean before they plonked those babies on it. Also use of stepladder without appropriate footwear is breach of Elf and Safety.

  9. Me again! I've pimped a jacket in your honour on my blog post. Hope you like it! xxx

  10. Boy do those images look staged! Hilarious actually. The older rockin' chick slant has appeal though. Tabitha, you are so funny :) I empathize.

  11. Mother of EIGHT! Wow! Great they're using real women I agree xx

  12. Aspirational? Or just plain depressing?

  13. You make me laugh 'which is why she is up a stepladder in a pair of high heeled slingbacks' ! Though I do endorse the idea that life is an occasion. Every day. And I love those black shoes that the indie rock-loving bstetrician is wearing. x

  14. @ Kate B -- there is no "every woman" who every one of us can identify with. I mean, who would that be?

  15. I appreciate the effort but ultimately wind up disliking the ad campaign. When an ad shows a 20 year old, I know there's no way I can look like that. When it shows someone my age, beautifully styled, airbrushed, and whatnot, the thought occurs to me that I should look like that, but it's just as unrealistic as me looking like a 20 y.o. If we saw those women on the street, we'd see that they don't really look like that either, although I'm sure they are quite lovely.

  16. Ha--I like your sly comments on the disconnect between the photo and the story!

  17. Hello
    Loved your comment about the lady on the ladder. It seems to me women over 35 are allowed 'out' so long as they look amazing, have an exciting job, and a fabulous, unique home. My friend (we share a blog) just wrote about this feature in Vogue on women with 'Total Style', which sounds just exhausting.
    BTW the verification word for posting this was 'unmen'.
