
Wednesday 13 August 2014

Inside Jenna Lyon's Office

Photo: Glamour

More procrastination. Today I've spent far too long examining the contents of Jenna Lyon's office on the Vanity Fair website; like this photo of the creative director and the Obamas left casually lying around:

I like the fact that she's not a Neat Freak and there are piles of books and magazines everywhere. Ahem. There's some lovely jewellery and a fine selection of chairs:

 Jenna has a crown, of course she does! She's the Queen of Casual Glamour.

And have you heard? J.Crew are launching two fragrances?


  1. This was fun...few creative people are neat freaks! It is refreshing to see her piles!

  2. Wish my messy office looked that stylish! I'd heard about the fragrances last local J.Crew folks are very excited about what's coming for fall, including the fragrance line.

  3. Her office still manages to look miles more chic than mine ever will! I love her style, and all that gorgeous jewelry. xo

  4. Jenna's office makes me feel much better this mooring. I can fall into controlled chaos at the drop of a hat.

  5. Her chairs are to die for:).

  6. Just spent some time being retail-cheered by two of her charming young Vancuver employers. Nothing like having sharp young women admire your "certain age style" to send one right to the cash register for some credit card damage. I've really been finding the whole JCrew aesthetic works so well for my lifestyle (picked up a casual glam sweatshirt I think you'd like, heather grey with metallic gold hearts...)

  7. That all sounds fantastic materfamilias - think I need to plan a trip to see my brother.J Crew is so expensive here, the stores have a different atmosphere.

  8. I had not heard that they were launching fragrances. I hope they will be clean, single-notey concoctions to match their clean, quirky aesthetic. That would make me happy.
