
Tuesday 12 August 2014

An elephant never forgets...

It's World Elephant Day, who knew? Maybe I knew and forgot - my brain is addled and all I can think about is this sodding book (you know, the one I am supposed to be writing) - I think I might have totally lost the plot. Anyhow. I've always had a soft spot for the gorgeous grey mammal; the elephant is one of the most intelligent animals on earth and it's vegetarian. Manhattan Brother had a toy grey version with a knitted green waistcoat (that my nan made) when we were kids and the factory where my dad worked had an elephant as its logo. So it's practically a family emblem. Gudrun Sjoden has designed this lovely elephant t-shirt and £5 from every sale is donated to the charity Ivory for Elephants. The money goes towards protecting the endangered African elephant - one is killed for its ivory tusks every 15 minutes. It's for a good cause. And hopefully normal service will resume shortly.


  1. Elephants are inspiring creatures and supposedly bring us luck. I have a carved one sitting on my desk just encase!
    From my experience, we reach a certain age and our brains resemble hard-drives that have become full. In order to add more data that can later be retrieved, we need to first eliminate something from our HD so new information can be stored.
    Bonne chance with your book. Bisous

  2. Great top, and a very worthy cause. I abhor all cruelty to animals, of course - and the elephant is such a smart, sensitive creature.

  3. Lovely print and a worthy cause, too. Shame its in dull elephant grey, a colour that rarely suits anything but an elephant.
    Good luck with the writing. x

  4. That's so true Elizabeth. I haven't got space for all this stuff!
