
Monday 14 July 2014

Style Inspiration: Tonne Goodman

The latest issue of Industrie magazine has a lovely interview with American Vogue's fashion director Tonne Goodman. I've long been a fan of of her simple, elegant style; a reliable uniform of white jeans or pants, a roll neck sweater or a simple mannish shirt. Anna Sui is doing the interviewing and the pair discuss Goodman's career and the early days when she was Diana Vreeland's right-hand woman at the Met Museum, Sui asks what she wore back then:

 'I was dressing like I dress now. I was dressing in pants and a shirt.'

And goes on to ask the 62-year-old if she's ever tempted to go for a more attention-grabbing, Anna Dello Russo-style outfit, at the shows:

'To be honest, any time I travel, my outft doesn't change; it's always a few pairs of white jeans and black turtlenecks. That's about it. It's always been the same. I've always packed a carry-on case. If you have a uniform, it's very easy and you don't have to think about it.' 

Photo: jeanstories

Even better: the shirt and sparkly skirt combo. Photo: the Guardian

Shame the photos by Inez & Vinoodh are so airbrushed...

What's your uniform?


  1. Can't wait to read the article in its entirety. I've followed her over the years and have always admired her clearly honed and perfect look. I only wish I could be that sure and disciplined. And agree with the air-brushing remark - can't we get past that??

  2. Wish the article were available online. Love her style and amusingly enough, am wearing a version of it today!

  3. Her uniform is so stripped-down and disciplined.

  4. Would love to read the article...I think I will try the white and black this week!

  5. She's got a clean, cool look. I really like it, although I am far too messy to emulate it!

  6. This is virtually my uniform. My colors include navy or grey and oxford blue, but loafers, pants or maybe a skirt, and sweaters in winter, button downs in summer, and straight hair. Sounds dull but it's all in the cuts and quality.

  7. Very chic and understated. It's so funny how many women in the fashion industry have "uniforms" that they hardly stray from. Some women are more stylish than fashionable and to me that's far more interesting.

    I agree about the photos, to be honest she looks a bit like a mannequin.

  8. She looks great.

    I'm always fascinated to see what goes into people's travel bags.

    My uniform is very similar- in winter; white jeans and a navy cashmere jumper from M&S or Pure. In summer, the jumper is sometimes swapped for a shirt.

  9. Agree about the airbrushing. She looks astounding in the shirt-sparkly skirt combo, plus lines on face. I think I may worship her for a while...I aim for a uniform but sometimes it just goes...wrong. Currenly - black levis and white shirt with tan sandals. Love the rigour of neutrals.

  10. Here's a gorgeous older woman - it's difficult to understand the airbrushing; the result reminds me of the look a woman or man gets from cosmetic surgery - not good. Work with it and not against it.

  11. I remember that shot of Goodman in the long black sparkly skirt and blouse with rolled up sleeves. Love it. Reminded me of the time when Sharon Stone on stage at the Oscars shouted that her top was from the Gap.

    What will Vogue do when Goodman and Grace Coddington retire?

  12. Makes me want to run out and buy white jeans!

  13. I'm not going to be very popular but here goes:I too like simple elegance but it can be accomplished without always wearing the same thing. To me a black top and white pants isn't stylish, it's average and underwhelming. No need to be outrageous but I'd expect more creativity and a passion for style from Vogue's fashion editor. Ooookay,..I'll just let myself out now...

  14. I'm after a pair of white jeans, but suspect that they won't stay white for long! I tend to wear navy or black jeans, especially when travelling, with a variety of different coloured tops. As it's summer here in Spain, I'm wearing blue or black linen trousers or a navy linen skirt at the moment with lots of different coloured tops but especially red and pink.

  15. Loved catching up on your blog, which is always a pleasure. My uniform is a hat and an outfit to go with the chapeau of the day.

  16. Yes - I always admire people who can where their signature look. Unfortunately the only signature look I seem to arrive at is "Romantic" or "Vintage Eccentric". This means that it changes almost every day. I love the pared down look on others but on me it can look a little mannish as I am tall with strong(ish) facial features,therefore I have to make an effort to look feminine to suit my personality.
    Swan........ follow, follow !!

  17. I thought she looked supremely elegant in " The September issue" Less is more and all that.
    People used to say Harold Wilson needed to be surgically excised from his Mac. I feel that way about my Uniqlo Black jeans and Everlane Shirt.

  18. FFS i did NOT recognise her on that cover! As someone who works with photographers I don't actually mind a bit of retouching. They retouch men too. But this extreme photo-shopping has to stop, it just looks... ridiculous! Anyway, I have the article of her with the suitcase, her taste is immaculate, need to read the interview now...
