
Friday 18 July 2014

New website: The Beauty Plus

Charlotte Rampling: who will be the face of Nars autumn campaign

Good news, people. Jane Cunningham the author of British Beauty Blogger has launched a fantastic new website The Beauty Plus aimed at women 'who love their age.' On the subject of anti-ageing the south London, super-blogger says:

'You have to wonder why the beauty industry thinks that youth is so important. It’s simple. Brands create fear around ageing so that we will do anything and everything to avoid that hideous fate. Positioning youth as beauty drives home the message that unless you use their products, then a miserable, wrinkle ridden life awaits. It’s an insulting perception that any women in the Beauty+ category is unhappy with how they look.'

At last, someone talking common sense! I had a chat with Jane last week and she told me:

'I would like brands to change the phrase anti-ageing, there are enough of us - women over 45 account for £1.9bn worth of sales in toiletry and cosmetics - and we want to be positive not negative. It's just a different phase of our lives. I'm calling it Beauty+.'

The website features beauty tips, news - I learned that the gorgeous French record producer Caroline de Maigret, 39, is collaborating with Lancome on a new make up range - and a regular feature called 'Things your mum says'. It's early days yet but given Jane's brilliant beauty knowledge this is definitely one to watch.


  1. I usually don't follow beauty blogs but that's a really good and relevant one, thank you for featuring it!

    Annette | Lady of Style

  2. I think I've become more interested in beauty and style as I've got older and I like to look/feel good about myself but it's not about trying to look younger or even 'good for my age', which is a term I find really patronising. I do use the term anti-ageing on my blog for (slightly) older women as it's so universally recognised. However, I try to redefine it in a small way by talking about the small sensible things we can do that work and not promote things that are either drastic and extreme or expensive products that are a complete waste of money.

  3. It's brilliant that the big cosmetics companies are seeing the potential in older customers. Just a huge pity that they carry on airbrushing their beautiful older models. Kind of misses the point!

  4. Agree in general about the photoshop'd overdo but have come to be thankful for the babysteps - she is undeniably older and looks incredibly beautiful and stylish. is major, wonderful, progress.

  5. Agree in general about the photoshop'd overdo but have come to be thankful for the babysteps - she is undeniably older and looks incredibly beautiful and stylish. is major, wonderful, progress.

  6. Nars really missed the point by photoshopping Charlotte Rampling.She looks 20 years younger on the ad.Too bad.

  7. I confess to loving beauty products and do follow a few beauty blogs so I shall hop over to check it out, thanks for the heads up x

  8. Thanks for the recommendation; I don't find much relevant at "beauty" blogs, but this looks good.

  9. This looks like a blog to follow. Thank you for the recommendation!

  10. Too bad they had to air-brush her to the point I didn't even recognize her

  11. I agree with all the comments here about photoshop and airbrushing. When you erase all signs of aging it denigrates the message of embracing age.

  12. Does Nars think we're all short of a brain cell or two? They use Charlotte Rampling a beautiful woman of a certain age, then airbrush all that age from her... And we weren't going to notice? Wrong!

  13. This image of Charlotte Rampling is awful. It looks so artificial, I went searching for what she really looks like. Well, she is indeed beautiful. This image of her is a discredit to Ms. Rampling. Nars should rethink their intended audience. This is offensive and laughable.

  14. I totally agree with the above comment. Charlotte Rampling does not look like that and the image is very offensive. I can see the word tokenism writ large. Why should we celebrate it?

  15. Agree, agree, agree about the Photoshopped Charlotte Rampling pic (and am wishing I'd used another, I like her wrinkles). I'm not sure that that is the Nars ad, it's just an image form Beauty + site.

  16. Thanks for that. I will definitely check it out.

  17. Hi there..thank so much for the lovely post.. it's not a NARS image so they aren't responsible for the airbrushing..currently there aren't any images from NARS. You have to be so careful re image rights etc and I pulled that one out as a typical 'beauty' shot - I hope that NARS will be less trigger happy with Photoshop! I'm hesitant to change because I think that the more of us that object to airbrushing the better, so I've popped a different picture of Charlotte within the body of a post.

  18. At last us over 40's are the ones with time and money to spend on ourselves...let our voices be heard above the hoards of teens and 20 somethings!
    bestest Daisy J

  19. I too had a search using Google and found a photo of Charlotte Rampling, wrinkles and all. Still a gorgeous looking women but she looked my age or older (I'm almost 67). Definitely a role model for us women of a certain age - so long as she's not Photoshopped!

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