
Saturday, 15 October 2011

Monica Bellucci for Eric Bompard

How gorgeous does Monica Bellucci look in the latest ads for French cashmere company Eric Bompard? The perfect 21st century sweater girl. 'When a beautiful, prestigious brand uses my image, I always take it as a compliment,' says the 47-year old film star. Here's Monsieur B expressing his admiration:

And here's my pick of the collection, you know how I love casual glamour.
Fortunately, there's a store on King's Road, London:

To go behind the scenes at the Bompard campaign click here.

And just because...


  1. She is stunningly beautiful, I always thought so.

  2. Just the delightful image to wake up to! I'm excited to check out the E.B. sweaters again this winter when I head to Paris. I remember them being so soft . . . and now that I see them on a model with gorgeous curves, I'm fully smitten!

  3. Oh yes she is gorgeous! EB cashmere is lovely, might also be worth checking out Scottish Knitwear Designer Angela Cassidy, her cashmere is amazing too.

  4. I've been a bit in love with her for ages. She is simply stunning. Perfection in a sweater!

  5. I had no idea she is 47! She looks fantastic! Love her husband too.

  6. But unfortunately she is ridiculise in the Dior ad ; too much Photoshop, which is sas because she is beautiful and she doesn't need it.

  7. She is gorgeous. Sadly, I don't fill out my EB jumpers in quite the same way ...

  8. She is really very gorgeous isn't she? Her pictures remind me of 1960s pictures of woollies - very similarly styled.

  9. So if I wear some cashmere, will I be transformed into looking like her? Please?????
