
Wednesday 4 February 2015

Style Forever: the grown-up guide to looking fabulous

That Is My Book. Writing Style Forever was such a whirlwind last summer (polite phrase), I still can't quite believe it happened. I've been asked several times recently if I'm excited, and the honest answer is, 'No. Not at the minute'. The Waterstones website has just told me there are 36 days to publication, so maybe it's a bit like going on holiday and I'll feel thrilled nearer the time and start wondering what to wear to the launch party. Style Forever: the grown-up guide to looking fabulous is out on Friday 13 March  - good job I'm not superstitious - and you can pre-order a copy here.

The wonderful illustrations are by Leo Greenfield and I was pleased to read in this month's Vogue that because of Instagram and the volume of images online, 'We're now photo-saturated, so drawing is special again'. The book contains style tips, advice and anecdotes, as well as interviews with Inspirational Women. I'll be revealing a few of my fabulous interviewees over the coming weeks - together with their thoughts on age and style. This is something I would love to continue online, so if you'd like to be profiled (or to recommend someone else), please leave a coment or drop me an email at Given the response to my post on Philippa Carr, this week, I think it's a popular topic.

Thanks as always for reading. This book wouldn't exist without you.

Onwards and sideways,



  1. Wow, looks great Alyson, can't wait to read it! And I like the idea of using illustrations, so much more decorative, we're bombarded with photos in our digital lives so this will be something different.
    All the best, Alison

  2. Finally! Yay congrats aly, march 13th is diarised!

  3. Can't wait to see your new book! Congratulations. Please know that 13 is a positively lucky number!

  4. Can't wait to see your new book! Congratulations. Please know that 13 is a positively lucky number!

  5. Congratulations, it looks lovely. Look forward to getting my hands on a copy.

  6. The cover is stunning - I cannot wait to get one! xo

  7. oh my how wonderful alyson. what a gorgeous cover. i cannot wait to read it. so thrilled for you!!!! xo

  8. ALL sounds WONDERFUL........I'm new and onboard!

  9. Well done, looking forward to picking it up, let's get a TV show now!

  10. Congratulations! I'm sure you'll be very excited on March 12th. And that Friday 13th will be a lucky day indeed.

  11. Huge congrats, dear and I can't wait to read it:) How exciting! xoxo

  12. So exciting...for you and for us! I've just pre-ordered it. Can't wait!

  13. Felicitations! Very well done! I think it's amazing and can't wait to read it :-)
    Would be more than happy to help discussions along.

  14. So looking forward to it. So is Marisa. And if I may say so , a clever choice of title .Marvellous news.

  15. Congratulations Alyson. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on a hard copy. Love the internet ... but also like to leaf through a real book.

  16. Fabulous! I've been a follower of your blog for quite awhile, can't wait to read your book!

  17. Congratulations! You're an inspiration. The book looks beautiful and I also love the fact you used an illustrator. I can't wait to get my copy!


  18. Congratulations! can't wait to get a copy, gift a copy

  19. Muchas felicidades, espero poder conseguir un ejemplar. Me encanta tu blog y seguro que este libro serĂ¡ igual de interesante. Enhorabuena.

  20. How exciting! When and where is your launch party? I'll be in London on 13 March, so hopefully will be able to buy a copy to bring back to Spain. Friday 13 is lucky in Spain apparently so Buena suerte!

  21. Have it on pre-order here in Canada!

  22. Love the choice of illustrations--a classic touch. Looking forward to the release.

  23. Huge congratulations to you! I cant wait to get a copy
    I would love to join in too
    Laurie x

  24. Hi Alyson, congratulations. Can you pre-order from Waterstones?

  25. I have just posted your new book on my very new instagram account, kitscool!

    At 47 years older, I have decided to engage with the new media age. Just read about Denim Dudes, and then noted it on your website, which I have just recently discovered after noting a reference on "Keep it Chic". Yes, yes, I have given in to blogging land, and love it, just fashion though, just fashion.

    Noted your comments on continuing your style profiles, and would love to take part. Finally found my style to fit around a hectic life, wish I had clocked it years ago, but then mistakes can be great fun!!

    Good luck with the launch,

  26. I'm so excited for you and can't wait to read your cration!
