
Wednesday 7 January 2015

Joan Didion is the new face of Céline

Could this be the coolest collaboration, ever? Joan Didion the 80-year-old literary genius and oft-cited style inspiration stars in the latest Céline campaign. Brilliant.


  1. Disagree
    No allure
    A not really charming anorexic waif

  2. Well this is causing buzz which too often seems all that matters but if John le Carre does something like this for Ralph Lauren, Armani, et al I'll be pissed.

  3. I agree with palaisroyale, anorexia is never attractive or a good role model and older women (and I am one) never look interesting in oversized, ugly glasses, just silly. There are so many more intelligent, older women who would be better ambssadors for us.

  4. I think it's a brilliant matching of brands - intellectual entertainment, the both of them. And that if I wear Celine I might acquire a touch of Didion - love it. Fashion ain't all about the immediate visual, there's all that rich imagery in our minds.

  5. I love it and think she looks chic. Skinny, sure, but she always has been. Nothing kooky going on here, which I see a lot with "stylish" old women with their crazy colors and patterns and bright make-up.

    When I'm old I hope I am this cool looking.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I have always considered Joan Didion a clever observer of life and a great writer. Her thin body and bob hair style are part of who SHE is.

  8. This works for me. I am looking up Celine now because they have found value in Joan Didion. Style comes in many forms. My elderly mother looks very much like Ms. Didion (extremely thin)but takes great care in her appearance and style. We have to remember that "style" is more than just "pretty."

  9. Full marks to choosing an older lady, but not so sure about this older lady!

    Not much evidence of style in the pic....touch of jumble sale dressing about it. Maybe it's just an unfortunate choice.

  10. I don't know much about Joan Didion (except that when she, her husband and her brother-in-law formed a collaboration they called it Dunne-Didion-Dunne - you have to say it fast), but I think any time older women are given the foreground in promotions, it reminds everyone that older women have value.

  11. Why are women so spiteful to each other...JD is totally cool and that goes way deeper than her physical appearance, maybe it's just too subtle...go Celine and thank you Alyson for championing ALL women, even the skinny ones in crazy colours & over-sized glasses!

  12. Attractiveness lies in the depth of one's character - it effects their physical demeanour. More roll models like Joan Didion need to be celebrated. xxx

  13. If you know who Joan Didion has always been and how she has always looked, she's thin, very thin. Not necessarily anorexic. Please try to think outside the box on this one.

  14. GSL - that made me laugh

    palaisroyale/Susan - I don't know whether Joan Didion is anorexic or not (I live in the UK and I've never heard this before), but I do know that she's 80-years-old and quite frail. Agree with Alison & Elizabeth, and think we should be a bit kinder to one another.

  15. She looks great, and she is an awesome role model and if this gets people reading her books then even better. The White Album is fantastic.

    James Ellroy would be a great male counterpart. He is dapper.

  16. LPC your comment is spot on, and I agree with you 100%.

  17. Joan Didion is an aloof observer. A wonderful writer--spare and analytical. Like many icons, she has a signature look. She is perfect for Celine.

  18. Just a thought: Debby Harry doppelganger?
