
Friday, 7 December 2012

That is my age: Christmas decorations

The second weekend of December is when the Christmas decorations go up at That's Not My Age Mansions. That's the rule. Any sooner is, well, just a bit previous. The small artificial tree will be spruced up once again and the decorations unwrapped. I much prefer traditional decos like these glass baubles from Toast or handmade objects from RE.

Newspaper stars.

Ball of buttons.

Which got me thinking about DIY decorations - just like mother used to make. Except I won't be using tin foil milk bottle tops. We were poor, alright! No, I've been stealing ideas from this Homemade Christmas & Festive Decorations book by Ros Badger with Elspeth Thompson (£5.99 from Sainsbury's).

Like this garland made from old Christmas cards - only problem is I recycle mine on the twelfth night. Would it be rude to cut up this year's?

And these recycled gift tags. Hold on, is that a milk bottle top I can see?

In the olden days, I always made my own Christmas cards - they were dire but no one complained. And now Clintons has gone out of business, it just feels right to get crafty. So much better to add that personal touch, don't you think?

Have you put your decorations up yet?


  1. Yep, a handmade Christmas is definitely nicer than a "shop bought" one - unfortunately I didn't have the time this year to make my own cards... I did make my son's advent calendar myself though, that counts, right? ;-)

  2. I don't decorate for the holidays, but those glass baubles are so lovely!

  3. I just bought that book as a present, some lovely projects in it.

  4. I like your glass baubles, nostalgic!

  5. Just teaching my daughter to embroider so she can make her own Christmas decorations - I much prefer something homemade to the aching glitter that is so much a part of this era's Christmas.

  6. Ooooh love-erly decs! And that book looks great. Well I did put up a string of white lights in UK late November but there again I like them so much I may keep them up all year! Decs in Oz will go up next weekend I think...S x

  7. I have boxes of vintage holiday decorations, but haven't put them up for years. You've inspired me to at least take a look!

  8. LOVE your very chic decorations!
    I'm doing a zen-charlie-brown decorating this year. So sparing but beautiful in its simplicity.

  9. Can't put up decorations in our house until Youngest's birthday has been celebrated on the 16th - very bad planning, but it does mean we're not sick of them long before Christmas!

  10. I'd love to do a little more handmade stuff for Christmas but no time in between all the online shopping, blogging, pinning, FBing etc !!!!

    I too used milk bottle tops and match boxes covered in foil to make decorations as a kid, and we used 'crinkle' scissors to cut up last years cards to make gift tags! Those were the days eh!

    Love those Toast decorations. Might have to do a bit of last minute shopping.

    Happy Holidays!
