
Saturday 13 September 2014

Quote of the week: Emma Thompson

Photo: Nick Haddow

Whether she's speaking her mind at the Grammys or on a voyage to the Arctic with Greenpeace (to highlight global warming), I bloody love Emma Thompson. When asked if 50 is the new 35 in an interview in today's Guardian Weekend magazine, the 55-year-old actress replies:

'Can I just say very loudly, bollocks. Not to recognise getting older for what it is...I do think the infantalisation of our generation is one of the human issues of our time. People wanting to be 35 when they're 50 makes me think: why? Why don't you be 50 and be good at that?'


  1. She is so smart. And I wonder if it would be easier if we had role models. I don't think our parents(I'm 69) had the same world to work with.

  2. Not only a talented actress, but also wonderfully grounded and insightful. The world needs more people like Emma Thompson in the spotlight. Warm regards

  3. Did you see here in Saving Mr Banks? SO brilliant. Just like she is off the screen.

  4. I love this woman more and more! Great answer and so true.

  5. She is gorgeous, both in body and mind. Lovely to see a celebrity embracing their age. About time! Xo JJ

  6. Love Emma Thomas! She's good in everything she does, and I can't wait to see her new film, Effie Gray. Although I do wonder about the details of the court case regarding the script...

  7. Whoops - Thompson! I once had a client named Emma Thomas.

  8. Love her too...brilliant!
    Happy Weekend ;)

  9. Oh yes! What's not to love about our Emma :)
    I especially enjoy her on talk shows where her naughty side shines forth and so hugely entertaining.

  10. Yes. And note to self, must say "Bollocks!" now and again:). Part of Advanced Style is ceasing to mince words.

  11. Emma Thompson couldn't be more spot-on. I wouldn't go back to being 35, and think it's ridiculous to answer dolt questions like those. Even if the reporter's intention was to say that 50-year-olds are healthier, stronger, sultrier these days than perhaps they were 30-50 years ago, it's still a stupid question. And Lisa's right. Bollocks is a much better word than BS.

  12. Agree,,,agree...agree. But wish I could say "bollocks" and sound like Emma Thompson. It just isn't the same with my Canadian accent.

  13. What a gorgeous, clever and astute lady. Love her to bits.

  14. She is stunning. A fabulous, gifted, witty woman. This picture captures her strength, and beauty, perfectly. H xx

  15. LPC - Bollocks is a good word, I might have said it once or twice in my book...

  16. Bollocks is a great word!Loved the bit
    'Why don't you be 50 and be good at that?'
