
Friday 29 August 2014

Feeling the Loafer Love

Photo: Garance Doré

As summer slips into autumn, I've been thinking of slipping out of my Birkenstocks and into a pair of loafers. Clarks has a couple of fantastic pairs - and these street style pictures show how I'd wear them:

Clarks Busby Folly, £69.99, available HERE.

Clarks Griffin Milly, £46.99, available HERE.

Photo: Sartorialist

And so, I finished my final chapter today! It's such a strange feeling - a mixture of excitement and exhaustion. I still can't quite believe it, in fact I doubt I'll believe any of this is real until I have a copy of the book in my grubby little hands. There are still a few bit and pieces of outstanding stuff to write - including the intro (thought I'd leave the most important part till last) - and the editing to do, but that can wait till I get back from holiday. I'm absolutely knackered and can't wait to lie on a beach and give my brain a rest. It's been a proper endurance test and with such a short time frame, I've really had to churn copy out. Let's just hope it all makes sense, I'm practically delirious and can't tell what's good or bad anymore.

Right. And now I'm off for a celebratory pedicure followed by a giant glass of wine. Have a lovely weekend.


  1. Congratulations! Now take a well deserved break! (also loving those loafers -- although my new fall shoes are actually a pair of oxfords. . . .)

  2. Well done! Go and have yourself a pint and have a wonderful beach break. xxx

  3. Congratulations! Enjoy some well-deserved relaxation. I'm intruiged by those lug-soled babies...

  4. Congrats on the book. Loving your loafer choices. I'm also looking for all the wrong places...clearly...since I've been unsuccessful so far. Ah, well... shopping is not for the faint of heart.

  5. Wow...that must feel awesome! Enjoy some R & R!! I love my loafers...and you might have me desiring another pair!

    Can't wait to read the book!

  6. Well done! The only experiences I've had that are better than holding my book in my hands have been holding my three babies in my arms! I don't know how long it took you to write your book (9 months or less?) but it's an amazing achievement. I have a smallish glass of wine and am toasting you!

  7. Thank you all & cheers Susan! Two and a half months to write, as I said, hope it all makes sense!

  8. Good job, you! Congratulations on your achievement, and now enjoy your break. xox

  9. Congratulations! Can't wait to see a copy. And I love loafers too - comfy, slightly masculine and stylish. Need a new pair myself ...

  10. It must feel so amazing to finish! Well done. I'm in awe :-) It must feel slightly like finishing end of school exams!
    I think leaving the intro to last makes total sense. You can tie in all the ends now you know which direction the book has taken. You can come back refreshed and see it all with new eyes. I hope you love it!
    I don't have any loafers, but I want some!
    So many exclamation marks, so little time. I do my bit to use them up!! Xo JJ

  11. congrats my dear on finishing the book. i'm so in awe of you!

    and nothing beats a loafer! they make everything look better.

    congrats again and enjoy the beach!

  12. Hi my dear! Congratulations to you can't wait to see your book in all it's glory!! xx

  13. Huge congrats on the final chapter - can't wait to read your book A! Enjoy that pedicure, wine and holiday! xx

  14. Congratulations on finishing your book! I know that feeling it's the best ever. And I love the loafers, off to Clarks site to buy a pair of burgundy ones now! Have a great holiday!

  15. Beware the patent versions of the Clarks Griffin Milly . They are synthetic but priced the same as the matt black ones which are leather. Bit cheeky I thought.

  16. Congratulations! Such an accomplishment - I'm in awe.

  17. I'm astonished (in an impressed, holy cow that's amazing way) that you wrote a book in 2.5 months! You deserve not just a pedicure, but a full-on spa visit for that one. Truly looking forward to its publication and availability in the US (please). You are my style guide, along with Tonne Goodman, so I'm sure it will be a great one. While we swelter here in the MidAtlantic, I will longingly look at these picks, and pics, and await cooler weather. Enjoy the beach!

  18. ZoeB - that's good to know & yes a bit cheeky, thanks for the head's-up.

    Gretchen - I can't quite believe it either! And yes, the book will be available in the US.

  19. ZoeB - that's good to know & yes a bit cheeky, thanks for the head's-up.

    Gretchen - I can't quite believe it either! And yes, the book will be available in the US.

  20. ZoeB - that's good to know & yes a bit cheeky, thanks for the head's-up.

    Gretchen - I can't quite believe it either! And yes, the book will be available in the US.
