
Tuesday 5 August 2014

Ageless Beauty: Charlotte Rampling for Nars

And finally, 68-year-old Charlotte Rampling's campaign for Nars is here. Not quite as Photoshopped as some of the images of the actress I've seen, but definitely doctored. When the collaboration was first announced, Francois Nars said, 'She is a natural beauty that feels strong, yet relatable.' True. And while that does come across in the photograph, it's a shame Rampling doesn't look more like she does in real life.

Over to you...


  1. I often wonder how these people feel being doctored like this. "We think you look great, love to use you in our campaign, but we'll just have to change a few things that aren't beautiful enough!" Must have to be strong in yourself to be able to withstand that. XO JJ

  2. I agree with Jazzy Jack - what a mixed message these airbrushed photos send. CR is a great beauty.

  3. Also agree, it is so hard to take a campaign seriously when doctored photos are used. She is strong and beautiful without it!

  4. Oh, NARS! ".... a natural beauty that feels strong..." but we need to tweak her a bit to erase some of that natural beauty so we can sell you something.

  5. I totally agree with you:) Kisses

  6. Well it IS the cosmetic industry and it IS a fantasy. This is the world of fashion and beauty, not a documentary on the reality of women's life phases.
    It's not like even the 19 y/os aren't photoshopped to a fare-thee-well in cosmetic/fashion layouts.
    The point, for me at least, is that an older woman is even given the CHANCE to be presented as a fantasy image, as an aspirational beauty icon.
    The fun of fashion & beauty IS the fantasy and the dream aspect. t's just great to see a formerly disregarded group allowed the chance to be glamorized and be part of the fantasy.

  7. I hear you Queenie - everyone is Photoshopped today, even the teenagers. And it's great they used Charlotte Rampling, I agree with you about giving older women a chance and aspirational beauty. I just think that the amount of retouching that's gone on here is basically saying, 'We'll use a 68-year-old as long as she doesn't look 68.'

  8. it is a shame but then is an fashion or beauty shot ever for real? Good to see Rampling though....... how can someone who looks like her have a name like that, for real??!!

  9. I agree with Jazzy Jack!

  10. I would like to know what Charlotte Rampling thinks about being photoshopped. Presumably she gave her permission to Nars to allow this to happen (or is this not needed in order to doctor photos)?

  11. Companies are get away with it, so there's no incentive to stop. I noticed a L'Oreal ad on tv last night with Tatjana Patitz, it didn't look photoshopped, plaudits to them if not.

  12. I agree with Jazzy Jack. I wish there didn't have to be any photoshopping regardless of the age of the model, then women (and men) would not have to feel they had to live upto some impossible 'ideal'.

  13. Women obviously are buying it, or they'd stop. It's not right that it's done at any age, especially for young women who are forming lifelong habits. It's a shame. I love watching British television because the older women actresses are real, and they've got real lives.

  14. Yes! Write to Nars. The pro-aging war has many fronts. Write and don't spend money....
    The sad thing about being photoshopped, no matter what the age, is the subject becomes an INTERPRETATION of 'beauty' by the person doing the photoshopping. This leaves nothing AUTHENTIC.
    Walk down the street and look at all the very bad face lifts or injectables blown all out of proportion. Yet another's take on how we should look. Stop the madness.

  15. She looks like Jane Fonda, who, of course, doesn't look like Jane Fonda in the L'Oreal ads with Jane Fonda.

    It's hopeless. . .
