
Wednesday 9 July 2014

My guest edit for Pure Collection

Yeah that's me doing a spot of shoulder robing - fashion speak for not putting my arms in my sleeves. Having scorned this type of behaviour in the past, I quite enjoyed my jacket-as-cape moment in the studio. But then I didn't have to move, carry a bag or catch a bus or anything. Anyhow. Those lovely people at Pure Collection invited me to choose an edit of my favourite new season pieces. Which wasn't as easy as I'd expected because there was so much good stuff to choose from, like this gorgeous silk-front sweatshirt and the relaxed boyfriend jeans.

And did you know that Pure partners with a family business that supplies some of the most prestigious cashmere brands in the world? Me neither. The British company's aim is to dispel the myth that the best cashmere has to be really expensive. Good, eh?

Have a look at the rest of the lovely new collection here.

PS This is what unretouched and 50 looks like. Gulp.


  1. Their quality is really fantastic.
    I often get sucked in by fabulous photos and wearable designs, but in this case, the cashmere is really worth the investment.

  2. Have bought from them in the past - will definitely pop on over to their site. Great photo of you - looking wonderful may I say... S. X

  3. Fantastic photo - authentic, natural and easy-chic.
    I just had a look at Pure's collection and I am pleased to see their affordable quality pieces.

    Great match last night, wasn't it ;-)
    Annette | Lady of Style

  4. What a fantastic photograph, will definitely check out your edit.

  5. Love that shirt. The whole look is fantastic!

  6. A fab edit and that picture of you is gorgeous! x

  7. I would say it looks pretty darn fabulous!

  8. You look pretty awesome ...perfect modeling!

  9. Unretouched and 50 looks fabulous! I really like the look of the silk shirt.

  10. You're a natural in front of the camera, and you look fabulous! I've owned pieces from Pure Collection in the past and was always impressed with their quality.

  11. Gorgeous photo. You look fantastic!

  12. I've got to echo all the others -- unretouched and 50? You look great! And these pieces are simple perfection, aren't they?!

  13. Long time lurker - hello!

    I have never ordered from Pure though I look at them every year. Mainly its their color selection for women. It essentially limits me to - Navy. As I have enough black everything and the rest of their colors tend towards candy tones. I would love to shop with them based on quality - and I like to support British cashmere when I can.

    I have often thought that half of J Crews success/sales are due to their color selection. Burgundys, aubergine, mossy greens, ....deep colors etc...

    Sorry. just complaining :D

    *And you do look great in the photos.

  14. Nice work Aly! Have to agree with Suz on J Crew's colour palette. Wish more brands did exciting colourways in cashmere that aren't neons or full of excessive embellishment!

  15. Us retouched and 50 looks pretty good to me:). Beautiful garments and very you by the look of them.

  16. Hi there!! Looking good, I really love this picture and your outfit choice is fabulous x

  17. You look great for 50 or any other age x
