
Thursday 22 May 2014

That's Not My Age: the future

That's Not My Age mantra: photo by Kristin Perers

And so today, some proper breaking news...I've been commissioned to write a style book for women over-40. Which is exciting and scary, but mostly scary. I'm still in the 'can't quite believe it' phase. Anyhow. Firstly, a huge, great big THANK YOU all for following, reading and commenting on That's Not My Age over the last few years. Your kind, intelligent, funny words are what keeps me going. And secondly, what does this mean for the blog? To be honest, I really don't know. I've postponed my move to Wordpress - the new site is practically finished but I just need to focus on writing the book for the time being. So please bear with me. I will try to continue posting whenever possible but it's quite a short turn-around and as I'm a New Lady Author I've really no idea how intense an experience this will be. If you live in south London and see a chuntering, denim-clad woman with wild hair and mad eyes over the coming months, it could well be me.

More good news: 67-year-old Marianne Faithfull is the new face of the Saint Laurent Music Project. Hooray!

PS guest blog posts welcome, though be warned, I am pretty anal when it comes to copy writing.


  1. OMG CONGRATS!!! What amazing news! Well done, can't wait to read it! x

  2. I can't wait to read it :) xx

  3. And of course congratulations!

  4. WHEEEE!!! Congratulations!! I can hardly wait to read it.

  5. Good that someone is flying the flag for us "oldies" :D

  6. That's excellent news. Congratulations.

  7. Hi my dear!! That's really fabulous news, congratulations!! xx

  8. Wonderful, wonderful news! I'm a bit sad, though, because reading your posts have beacome a kind of addiction trough the years! That's my egocentric soul talking...I really hope you enjoy the experience, besides beeing wide-eyed and half crazy some times. And most of all,we (I know I'm not alone in this) wiil be waiting to read your book, as soon as it comes out!
    Leaving in the other side of the world, I don't know when I'll get my hands on it...
    Please, do post some news about the experience of writing, or whatever, when you can.

  9. Great news, congratulations TNMA!

  10. So happy for you and so sad for me, as I love your blog - but will try to stay stylish irregardless in the spirit of soldiering on. Any hopes of seeing a bit more of you on fb?

  11. About time. The British Library is on standby x

  12. How exciting, well done! xxx

  13. I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU! Congratulations!! That is awesome! I can't wait to read every word. Also, I haven't thought about Marianne Faithful in years...she looks amazing! Can't wait for the book!

  14. I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU! Congratulations!! That is awesome! I can't wait to read every word. Also, I haven't thought about Marianne Faithful in years...she looks amazing! Can't wait for the book!

  15. Fabulous!! Am I right in thinking you will still be v active on twitter and insta?!

  16. Fabulous!! Am I right in thinking you will still be v active on twitter and insta?!

  17. Congratulations, I look forward to reading it. I hope you get time to continue with your blog too.

  18. Fantastic news! Can't wait to read it x

  19. How exciting! Congratulations, and I know it will be smashing.

  20. Congratulations, New Lady Author! Nerves be damned, that's very exciting news!

  21. Congratulations! Now I'm really looking forward to our meet-up. Dinner in London with a chuntering, denim-clas woman with wild hair and mad eyes, my husband will be so impressed! ;-)

  22. Congratulations my dear! So well deserved!

  23. Congrats! Can't wait to see it :)

  24. That is wonderful...congratulations...I'll be buying your book ;) xx

  25. What an adventure, and that's something we all need in our lives as we grow older. So looking forward to seeing the book in my hands. Congratulations and don't get too stressed.Remember we all know and love your work already.

  26. This is fantastic news Alyson. It seems like the tide is changing. Congratulations and I look forward to reading it!

  27. Congratulations! So excited for you. Can't wait to read it.

  28. Congratulations - I am planning my pre-order of your book already!

  29. I echo all the others here in saying "Congratulations." "Well done."
    But I'm also a little sad. I will miss reading your blog each morning with my first cup of tea.

  30. Thats amazing news,I can't wait for the launch!! Its about time we older lasses got some recognition for our contribution to planet style!
    If you need any guinea pigs, case studies etc etc, I've just turned 50, last week & am a fellow blogger, Mid youth, stylist, music, art, fashion lover. Just saying??

  31. That's fantastic. So pleased for you and many congratulations. Richly deserved and I cannot wait to buy your book. S x

  32. Congratulations! Hope I get an early review copy… I would love to do a guest post for TNMA!!!

  33. about time!
    we totally need you and this book in our lives as we get older and more stylish!

  34. Blessings and congratulations! What a marvelous journey life can be!

  35. Wow - what fantastic news - huge congratulations and I cannot wait to read your book. I will be buying it for me and as gifs for my fashion obsessed, forty something friends! So pleased for you! xxx

  36. Congratulations on the new book project! We blog readers will still be here when you get time to write a post.

  37. I'm so happy for you. I follow your posts all the time. I haven't commented before because I had technical difficulties. Your featured styles have made me get my swagger back. All the best to you!

  38. Congratulations! How exciting - I'm sure it'll be a good one.

  39. Great news, and look forward to reading your new words as avidly as I've enjoyed the blog. I'm going to miss the regular posts which have encouraged me to embrace 'me' and the opportunities open to a woman of my age. Best wishes.

  40. Congratulations! I will look forward to buying a copy when it comes out. Please leave your blog up and just post whenever you have time. I also enjoy going back and reading past posts.

    1. I second this request for the same reasons Hx

  41. So glad for you and PROUD as well.
    Love and sunshine of the soul kind

  42. Congratulations! About time your fabulous work in recognising life beyond 40 was enshrined in a book. Can't wait to buy it. Hx

  43. Congratulations! Very exciting news and well deserved.

  44. First, huge congratulations!! But, like others here, it's rather bittersweet because I just recently discovered your blog and it has really changed the way I see my 53 year old self

  45. Congratulations! Really appreciate your posts over here in Los Angeles---you make me feel less alone in the city that chases eternal youth!

  46. Brilliant news. I love your writing & look forward to your book! Xx
